Free Twitch Followers: Get Twitch Viewers Free of Charge

Getting free Twitch followers should be at the top of your priority list if you're just starting your Twitch streaming career.

Your channel may be at the bottom right now, but getting toward the top of your video game’s page is not as far-fetched as it may feel. While the scroll bar may seem a mile long, making use of well-chosen tools to get Twitch followers can help you on the journey.

There are many Twitch viewer bots out there claiming instant success. But that's farfetched. Unless you're buying Twitch viewers, your channel is unlikely to garner any substantial steam. Growing your Twitch follower list is the best way to guarantee continued growth.

So, is there is a legit way to get Twitch followers free? Growing your Twitch channel without using follow bots is easier than you think. You’re not stuck at the bottom forever!

You can use a handful of powerful tools to grow your Twitch channel for free and even earn money on Twitch. Getting free Twitch followers and monetizing your stream are very doable goals! Here’s how to get started.

Get Twitch Followers- Get More Twitch Viewers For Free

Get New Followers Organically Through Social Media

Be careful not to underestimate the role that social media can play in helping your Twitch channel gain popularity and exposure. You need an online presence to draw followers and make money from your live stream.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media platforms are where your audience connects and interacts outside the Twitch realm.

Here’s how to draw attention to your Twitch stream via social media:

  • Open All the Accounts - Go sign up on every leading social media platform where your audience may engage. Creating a basic account is almost always free and relatively easy.

  • Create Brand Consistency - Your channel needs a recognizable brand to communicate across all social media platforms. It should relate to your channel’s content without infringing on copyright laws, and it has to be eye-catching. Think of colors, imagery, taglines, and more that will appeal to your audience, and then stick to it. Take time to make your social media profiles look visually appealing and inviting.

  • Generate Quality Content - Create relevant content that your audience will genuinely enjoy. Don’t just post for the sake of posting. Tell your story, and try to relate to your audience. Make each post count. Advertise sparingly, and don’t post any spam.

  • Schedule Your Posts - Any good social media strategy includes a posting schedule. Before the start of each month, take time to plan what you will post and when. Take advantage of third-party apps that allow you to schedule your social media posts ahead of time and auto-post so that you won’t forget.

  • Engage Your Audience - Put forth the initiative to follow related accounts and members of the audience you’re trying to reach. Take the time to scroll through and ‘like’ others’ posts and make friendly, relevant comments. Avoid shamelessly advertising your channel on others' posts. Make sure all your interactions are positive.

  • Include Calls to Action - Let your social media followers know where and how to find your live stream on Twitch. Include a link in your bio. Include sneak peeks from your channel to pique their interest.

Now that you’re a social media guru, it’s essential to know the next hack for getting free Twitch followers.

Free Twitch Followers With TwitchGainz.com

Use TwitchGainz.com For Free Twitch Followers

Beyond social media, you can use a pro Twitch followers service to kick-start your channel’s growth. Remember, not just any free Twitch followers website will do. Go with TwitchGainz.com.

What makes Twitch Gainz the right choice for helping you collect an audience for your stream?

Here are 5 reasons why you should use Twitch Gainz:

  1. You get real human followers and live viewers on Twitch – never bots.
  2. It's free; no purchases are required to grow your channel.
  3. You can reach affiliate in 2-3 weeks.
  4. Thousands of other streamers have used it so you know it's safe.
  5. You don’t break Twitch's terms of service.

Here’s how to get started on Twitch Gainz.

How to Sign up

Sign Up for Twitch Gainz: Begin by opening TwitchGainz.com and signing up – it’s free. You’ll simply use your Twitch login credentials to create an account.

1. Begin by opening TwitchGainz.com and signing up – it’s free. You’ll simply use your Twitch login credentials to create an account.

Twitch Log In: You’ll be taken to Twitch and asked if you agree to give Twitch Gainz access to your account according to our terms of service.

2. You’ll be taken to Twitch and asked if you agree to give Twitch Gainz access to your account according to our terms of service. If you're already logged in to Twitch on your browser, you will see a different screen.

3. Once you’ve agreed and created an account, you’ll find yourself on the Offer Feed page. This is where you can begin following and streaming other users to earn Gems. We'll talk more about that next.

Earn Free Gems

Gems are the digital currency of the site. Earn Gems by following and live streaming other userss. Use the Gems you've earned to entice other users to follow and live stream your channel. It's that simple.

Twitch Gainz Offer Feed

On the Offer Feed, you’ll see Offers from other Twitch users. You can choose which Offers you would like to accept to earn free Gems.

There are two types of Offers at Twitch Gainz:

  1. Follow Offers: follow an account in exchange for Gems
  2. Stream Offers: watch a live stream in exchange for Gems

For example, a fellow user may offer 50 Gems for a follow. If you are interested in the user’s account, accept their Offer from the Offer Feed page and you will be rewarded with 50 Gems.

The more Offers you accept, the more Gems you will earn toward your Gems Balance.

Get Free Twitch Followers

Twitch Gainz Create Offer Page: Once you have obtained GEMS, you’ll have something to offer to potential followers or viewers. Make an offer to fellow Twitch Gainz users by going to the Create Offer page

Once you have obtained Gems, you’ll be able to create an Offer of your own. Navigate to the My Offers page and click "Create New".

Once you post your Offer, it will be visible to other Twitch Gainz users on the Offer Feed. If they find your account interesting and your Offer worthwhile, they will likely hit the Accept Offer button. Just like that, you have a new Twitch follower for free.

Buying Twitch Followers

For those with budget limitations, TwitchGainz.com is a place where Twitch streamers can get real human followers absolutely free. All it takes is a little time and willingness to accept the Offers of fellow users.

However, if you’d like to fast-track your growth or feel that you don’t have time for the free route, you can purchasing Gems rather than earning them by accepting other Offers.

With low-priced Gem packages available, buying Twitch followers, and growing your audience is within reach on just about any budget.

Start Making Money on Twitch Fast

Start Making Money on Twitch Fast

If you’re a dedicated gamer, your ultimate goal is likely to get paid to play your game. You’ve seen others do it on Twitch, and you’re wondering how to get to that point.

What’s the key? In one word: followers.

There is a direct correlation between getting more Twitch followers and getting paid. To start earning money on Twitch, you need to reach Twitch Affiliate status. To unlock this achievement, one of the criteria is reaching 50 followers.

Once you become a Twitch Affiliate, you can access several tools to help you start monetizing your channel.

Here are ways to earn money for Twitch Affiliates:

  • Subscriptions - Twitch Affiliates and Partners can accept subscriptions from viewers. You split the monthly earnings from each subscription 50/50 with Twitch.

  • Twitch Bits and Donations - Your live viewers can cheer you on as you stream by sending Twitch Bits in your channel’s chat room. These Bits have a monetary value and are actual donations from your viewers to you. You can also place a ‘donate’ button on your channel page and encourage viewers to support you if they like what they see and want you to keep going.

  • Advertising Revenue - You get a cut of the revenue when a company plays an ad on your channel. As an Affiliate, you gain control of the frequency and length of advertisements shown on your stream.

  • Game Sales - If someone buys the game you play from following the link to it below your stream, you earn 5% of the revenue.

Clearly, getting those initial 50 followers is pivotal to reaching your Twitch profit goals. How can you get your first 50 free Twitch followers fast?

The Bottom Line

Getting your channel discovered and making money on Twitch is easier than it seems. One crucial key to success on Twitch is using the right tools.

What tools will help you get more Twitch followers for free?

First off, social media is your Twitch stream’s friend. Map out a social media strategy, unify your account through well-branded profiles, make regular and relevant posts, and start engaging with your audience! Don’t forget to remind them when and how to tune in for your live streaming sessions.

Secondly, do your channel a favor and sign up for TwitchGainz.com. Creating an account is entirely free and it can quickly propel your channel’s growth.

You give your channel a higher chance of gaining a loyal following and making money when you use social media and TwitchGainz.com.

Turns out, getting free followers on Twitch isn’t so hard after all.