Free Twitch Viewers: How to Get More Viewers on Twitch

Getting free Twitch viewers is a great thing for your channel's growth. A sudden spike in viewers on your Twitch channel is such a dopamine release, right?

These days, streamers use Twitch viewer bots and other methods to rack up views and catapult themselves to the top of their game’s page on Twitch. The competition is ruthless, and many will do whatever it takes to up their number of views.

Still, you can succeed on Twitch! The key is something much better than buying a boom in one-time viewers on your stream, and that is gaining a following of consistent viewers.

How to Get More Viewers on Twitch?

To secure a consistent number of viewers on your live stream, you will need to get more followers on Twitch. Yes, a loyal following of real, human fans of your channel will keep your Twitch stream live in the long term.

For starters, you need to find out how to get more viewers on Twitch, and what you can do to convert a Twitch viewer into a Twitch follower.

1. Network With Other Streamers

Network With Other Streamers

The first step to getting your channel discovered is networking with other streamers.

Follow your fellow streamers and get involved with the community through chats. Avoid shameless or obnoxious self-promotion. Instead, a friendly, amiable demeanor may attract others to your stream. 

If you are playing a game, try not to view fellow streamers playing the same game as competitors you wish to trample on. Instead, reach out to them and help each other get noticed.

One effective way Twitch recommends for helping and receiving help from fellow gamers is to host each other. Using ‘Host Mode’ on Twitch is free and allows users to do a live broadcast of any other user’s stream.

How can hosting another streamer’s content help your channel grow? When you host another gamer’s stream, you graciously give them exposure to your viewers. They will likely gain some of your followers. In turn, the gamers that you host may return the favor, allowing you to gain some of their followers.

In this scenario, your viewers win because they get the chance to discover other streams that interest them, and you and your streaming comrades win because you all get more viewers and followers. Plus, since it is not possible for you to stream 24/7 live content, you can fill in the gaps on your channel by showcasing others in the community.

“Getting your peers to auto host you pays off big. We expect you to see roughly 10% growth in minutes watched if you get 10 of your peers to auto host you. As you would expect, each additional channel auto hosting you helps, and bigger channels help more than smaller channels,” explains Twitch.

When picking which gamers to host on your channel, find ones whose statistics appear similar to yours and play the same game as you. Choosing channels that feature your game will ensure that you, the gamer you host, and your viewers will benefit from the interaction.

Go into it with low expectations. For example, if you host another gamer’s stream, don’t expect a big ‘thank you’. However, if someone hosts your stream, be sure to thank them. Have good manners and work hard to foster good relationships.

2. Be Consistent In Your Streams

Be Consistent In Your Streams

A big part of gaining a loyal following on Twitch is finding your niche. If you can consistently deliver high-quality content in a specific niche, your viewers will know what to expect and appreciate your channel for it.

For example, if you are a gamer, your game’s page is full of players streaming the exact same game as you. What makes you different from the rest? A quirky sense of humor? An epic background? A silly wardrobe? A hilarious commentary?

The more charisma you can channel, the better. Try to be yourself and be natural. Find something unique that sets your stream apart, and stick with it.

Avoid disorienting your viewers by switching up games or frequently changing the nature of your content. Remember that viewers will watch you for the game first, but once they get to know and appreciate how you play, they will watch your stream for YOU. Building up to this point requires discipline and tenacity, but a consistent stream is key to consistent views.

3. Greet Your Viewers

Greet Your Viewers

Everyone appreciates being recognized, including your live viewers. That is why a simple “Hello, and welcome to my stream. Thanks for joining!” can go a long way in making new viewers feel like stopping by your channel is worthwhile.

Viewers know you are busy playing games and leveling up, so taking a moment to greet them will make them feel you appreciate them. Sure, it is a small, common courtesy, but it may help you convert channel views to follows.

To make sure each member of your audience feels welcome as an individual and enjoys the experience, why not customize each greeting? Make it unique to your channel or personality. Keeping it fresh and fun will create a pleasant environment on your channel to keep people coming back for more.

4. Co-Stream With Other Twitch Streamers

Co-Stream With Other Twitch Streamers

A well-planned co-stream with other Twitch streamers is an excellent opportunity to help your viewers get to know and appreciate you.

“Co-streaming is a feature that lets you air another broadcast on your channel while you provide unique commentary on the action,” says Twitch.

If there is a special event, such as an award show or competition that interests you on Twitch, why not co-stream the broadcast on your channel and entertain your viewers with your own narration of the proceedings?

While consistency is crucial to a successful stream, an occasional foray into something new can help keep your viewers’ interest level up.

5. Utilize Social Media Effectively

Utilize Social Media Effectively

If you have spent any time researching how to gain viewers on Twitch, you know social media plays a pivotal role.

As a gamer, you likely also spend time following notorious players of popular games on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and beyond. You know that social media is the arena outside of Twitch where your community is connecting and interacting. You, too, can use social media to grab attention amongst your peers.

Utilizing social media helps you reach your audience, let them know what you have to offer, and show them how to find and enjoy your Twitch stream.

Effectively using social media to get more viewers on Twitch means opening and maintaining an account on popular social media platforms. Social media maintenance includes using consistent branding across all platforms, so you are easily identifiable and make regular, relevant posts and re-posts.

Don’t miss opportunities to engage with your audience through the ‘comments’ section, and don’t forget to include a ‘call to action’, like “Watch my live stream here!”

6. Twitch Viewer Bot

Twitch Viewer Bots

As mentioned in the outset, one particularly invasive method streamers are using to get Twitch viewers is buying robot viewers called ‘view bots’.

After purchase through a third-party service, these fake, robot viewers are sent over to your stream to hike up your stats. To appear human, some become chatbots periodically interact through comments in your channel’s chatroom.

What is the point of using viewer bots? Since they artificially increase your viewer count, bots help you channel climb toward the top of your game’s page, making your stream appear popular and capturing human viewers’ attention.

Perhaps one of Twitch streamers’ most frequently asked questions is, “Is it ok to use view bots?”

Here is the answer straight from Twitch:

“As a reminder, fake engagement and artificial inflation of channel statistics are violations of our policies. Participating in, organizing, and/or running these services will lead to an enforcement issued on your account, including and up to indefinite suspension.” — Twitch on How to Handle Viewership Botting and Fake Engagement.

Clearly, view botting violates Twitch’s terms of service. You risk the future of your channel and your reputation by resorting to view bots. If organic channel growth is slow, and you want to buy Twitch viewers, don’t buy robots

Use TwitchGainz.com

Use TwitchGainz.com

A safe way to supplement your channel engagement, and get more followers on Twitch, is to use Twitch Gainz. Unlike view bots, we have real, human followers waiting to become fans of your channel.

How does TwitchGainz.com work? It’s simple:

  1. Sign up – it’s free!
  2. Acquire GEMS by engaging with other user’s channels or by purchasing.
  3. Offer GEMS to other users in exchange for engagement with your channel.
  4. Sit back and watch your channel grow.

Using GEMS to reward others for following your channel or viewing your stream helps users discover your content and turn into fans.

With Twitch Gainz, you can grow your Twitch channel with real viewers’ support and start reaching your live stream goals.